A Time Capsule Buried By Steve Jobs Has Been Dug Up 30 Years Later

A Time Capsule Buried By Steve Jobs Has Been Dug Up 30 Years Later

Back when Steve Jobs was in Aspen, Colorado, in 1983 to give a talk at the International Design Conference, he decided to have a little fun and bury a time capsule in an undisclosed location. Now, 30 years later, the capsule has been dug up, and the thanks goes to a reality television show.
The team, from National Geographic's reality show "Digger," unearthed the 13-foot-long tube in Aspen, which contained a bunch of things that were important to Jobs.
A Time Capsule Buried By Steve Jobs Has Been Dug Up 30 Years Later 
A Time Capsule Buried By Steve Jobs Has Been Dug Up 30 Years Later

So far, the team has said that the tube contained personal photographs of Jobs, a mouse for the Lisa computer (which was one of the first commercial mice ever sold), and a six-pack of beer that was meant for the crew that found the capsule. The other items within the capsule will be revealed in an upcoming episode of the show.  Still, can't help but ask: isn't 30 years just a little too soon?

Image: National Geographic Channel

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